Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cassidy's Room

FINALLY!!!! We finished putting together Cassidy's bedroom. We still need to put the finishing touches on, but the furiture is done and it is just WONDERFUL!!! I hope she loves it!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Monday

Happy Monday everyone. Another week has passed, and while we have no news of a court date, so much has been happening for our friends! We have heard that many of our friends have been getting court dates, travelling, and getting referrals.

We continue to pray for a safe journey for them and their families.

Have a GREAT week!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Still Waiting....

Hello friends and family - (Ciao Amici e Famiglia , Privyet друзья и Семья )

Yes (si, da) - I am trying to brush up on both my Italiano and Russky. I was reading a book the other day and it had a lot of Italian in it. Or at least the Italian I heard a lot of growing up (most of which cannot be typed on this page HA HA HA), but it got me thinking, second languages are a part of our culture. Growing up in a large Italian household, there were just some things that were common place. We don't have dish towels, we have mopina's. We don't put sauce on our pasta - we put gravy on it. And anyone who was at my house while growing up - well, you know what Grandpa's jumbot was. We laugh about it now, especially when we get those email that go around - You know you are Italian if.... Well, the sad part is - they are true. Sunday is family day and yes, dinner starts at at 1-2pm.

But this leads me to a more important issue. One I can use some advice on. I have grown up being Italian and doing/saying Italian things. I hear myself saying things like mio dio or telling the boys venni qui , or che cosa fai - they understand it because that is all they have even known - How will Cassidy adapt to it? Not only are we going to ask her to adapt to an American culture, but also to an Italian family. I am trying to find ways to preserve her Russian heritage. Let her be proud to be from Russian heritage, but how do I blend the 2 (russian & italian)together?

Has anyone else had or felt this way? I could use some suggestions.

Update - There is none. We are still waiting for a court date. As soon as I know, I will post - I am READY!!!!!!

Have a great day, and please continue to pray!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No News

Dennis and I have not forgotten about everyone - we just don't have any news. We know that our documents are suppose to be in Russia, but that is it. We did find a glimmer of hope through our friends the Aker's, who should be getting their travel dates soon. They are travelling to the same region as we are.

Good Luck to all the family's travelling!!!!!!!

We will update you as soon as we hear anything.
Stephanie (and Dennis)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

1st Day of School - 2008/2009

Another summer has passed us by and the Smith Boys are back at school. Max and Ethan were very excited to begin the school year. Max is starting 3rd grade and Ethan is starting 1st grade.
Can you believe it? It feels like only yesterday that they were baby's. Look at them now - Ready to take on the world (or the 3rd grade & 1st grade at least)

Our bus stop has 13 kids - Yes, you heard me right, 13 kids!!!!!! We filled 1/4 the bus.

I hope that they have a great day!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Documents in St. Louis

Good Morning Everyone!

I feel much better this week since I know that my documents have arrived in St. Louis today. Hopefully they will be in Russia by the end of the week and maybe we can have a court date by the end of next week.

Please continue to pray for us, and those family's waiting.

Have a great day!!!