Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's been so long.....

I know it has been so long, but we are trying to spend as much time with the kids as we can. A few weeks ago we celebrated Cassidy's 4th Birthday. We are not sure that she ever celebrated her birthday before, so we wanted to keep it as quite as possible. Even with the simplest "Cake & Coffee" party, it still was quite taxing on her. (But she has fun).

Everything is getting MUCH MUCH better. The boys & Cassidy are getting along very well, and with the ensuing nice weather, we have been able to spend more and more fun outside. Cassidy is slowly acclimating to our BIG family. It is hard for her in large crowds because she doesn't understand the concept of meeting, greeting, and then leaving. It is the leaving part that is so difficult. It has been on of the few "orphanage" hurdles we have not yet been able to surpass. But, we are working on it.
Otherwise, we are getting ready for our 1st Post Adoption follow up. I am sure we will all pass with flying colors - It is amazing how much Cassidy has integrated us into her life. She has made this a happier, funnier family. It is amazing that she has only been with us for 3 months and already I forget what life was life before her.
I want to wish everyone still in the process GOOD LUCK!!! I know that things have been changing dramatically, but it is ALL WORTH IT in the end.


Heather Brandt said...

I've been wondering how you all were doing and am glad to hear you all are doing well! If you are okay with it, could you email mem a photo some time? I have a few photos of others who were adopted from the same baby home as our son just to keep here at home. We showed him a little girl from the home who is about 4 too and he seemed to recognize her. When she saw his photo, she instantly said his Russian name so I guess the children interacted with children in different age groups.

God bless,

heatherlbrandt(at)verizon (dot) net

Trisha, Duane, and Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trisha, Duane, and Family said...

Hi Smith Family....I am sooo happy to hear your post adoption period is going well. I think it is the greatest time in the adoption process. Watching the child become healthy, happy, and secure is so much fun...though trying at times;-). She looks wonderful!!! Many blessings...Trish
P.S....sorry about the delete...there were errors.

Anonymous said...

Hi Steph - Great to see all these pictures!

I was wondering if you could give me the name of the neurologist you take Max to. I have someone here at the office who needs a recomendation. Please call me 732-413-6043
Thanks! Ana (Santos)

Troy and Rachel said...

I'm late - but Happy Birthday to Cassidy! I'm so glad she is fitting in so well. The nicer weather and being outdoors always makes things much brighter!