What a day this has been. It started off a cold and dreary day, but it was better to be outside then trapped in a hotel room with a bored 3 year old. So we borrowed an umbrella and took a walk to Red Square. Cassidy walked most of the way, so we tired her out early!!! Then we met up with Kathy & Anya and were off to the US Embassy for our interviews. On the way over, you could see how tired Cassidy was.
Once we were at the US Embassy she and Anya played and walked around while directions and information were handed out to the parents. Cassidy has become very attached to Anya, and when we had to bring her with us to the interview she had a meltdown to be taken away from Anya. (Plus she was tired & had no nap today). Then after the interview she threw a fit because Anya was not there. I feel so bad - she is so tired, cranky, and doesn't really understand what is going on.
Needless to say, all our plans for the evening went KABOSH after the US Embassy. We were suppose to meet up with Dan, April & Ava for dinner, but because of Cassidy's meltdowns we thought it best to go straight back to the hotel (DAN, APRIL & AVA - Sorry!!!!). Thankfully, we did go back to the hotel, because once we got out of the van and said goodbye to Kathy & Anya, Cassidy had a FULL FLEDGED meltdown. She refused to eat dinner, she refused to get her PJ's on, and she is currently refusing to go to bed. (WHAT A NIGHT).
Anyway, I believe we are all set to return home tomorrow. We can't wait. We miss the boys and our family!
Please say a prayer that all goes well -